Go to this event and find yourself delighted and inspired while enjoying a glass of wine if you’re so inclined.
In this workshop Wendy will explore through different mediums how we can silence our inner critics, enter the creative process, discover our own creative impulses, and incorporate a meaningful creative practice into our lives.
Please bring a journal or notebook, a pen, and a curious mind.
All skill levels welcome.
You don’t need to be a member of PALs (Palisade Art Lovers) to attend.
All art supplies will be provided.
Please know that seating is limited.
Reserve your seat by making a donation at this link https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pals-presents-alcohol-inks-doodling-poetry-with-wendy-videlock-tickets-954409573727?aff=oddtdtcreator
Suggested donation: $7 -$20.