Western Colorado
Reading and Writing Events
It’s Jill’s intention to create one place where you can find all of the upcoming writing and reading events on the Western Slope of Colorado. If you have an event you’d like to see here, (or if you see a mistake) please email the information to jillbwriter@outlook.com - thank you!
If an event has an unknown end time, the end time will show the same as the start time. If an event occurs more than once a month, it is only listed once on the calendar with individual dates listed in the event information. Please verify event information for accuracy.

Poets & Writers at CMU
An evening of local writers sharing their work. April’s writers are: Alissa Broom (creative nonfiction), Danny Rosen (poetry), and Miriam Sagan (poetry/fiction).
Third Thursday in October, November, February, March, and April
Free to the Public!

Poets & Writers at CMU (Copy)
An evening of Colorado Mesa University student writers sharing their work.
Third Thursday in October, November, February, March, and April.
Free to the Public!

Western Colorado Writers' Forum Writer's Night - Annual Silent Auction and Fundraiser Event
The 2024 WCWF Silent Auction and Fundraiser Event
The third annual WCWF Silent Auction and Fundraiser is set for Tuesday, November 5, 2024, beginning at 6:00 p.m. at The Art Center in Grand Junction. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. so you can take a look at auction items, get a beverage, enjoy a snack, and listen to guitar music.
RSVPs requested for this free event - go to https://westerncoloradowriters.org/event/november-writers-night-the-2024-wcwf-silent-auction-and-fundraiser-event/
Event is at The Art Center, 1803 North 7th Street, Grand Junction, CO.

Poets & Writers at CMU
An evening of local writers sharing their work. February’s writers are: Anne Bledsoe (poetry), David J. Rothman (poetry/nonfiction), and John Nizalowski (nonfiction).
Third Thursday in October, November, February, March, and April
Free to the Public!
Western Colorado Writers' Forum Writer's Night — Gourd Circle with Art Goodtimes
Event is at The Art Center, 1803 North 7th Street, Grand Junction, CO.
Stories & Poems Series
This free series happens on the third Wednesday of each month. With the new dual format, each featured guest will give a 1-20 min. presentation, followed by a short question and answer period after each presentation. After that, there’s a passing of the gourd, where community members are encouraged to share their own work, or others’ that they know and like.

Clifton Writers Group
Clifton Writers Group will provide learning opportunities to adults in the community who are interested in writing either fiction or nonfiction with the goal of becoming published. Once ready, they will also offer constructive critique sessions to help with writing growth.
For more info, go to https://mesacountylibraries.libcal.com/event/11765321
Clifton Writers Group meets monthly at the Clifton branch of the Mesa County Library, 3270 D 1/2 Rd., Clifton, CO 81520.

Poetry Night
Poetry Night is held at the main branch of the Mesa County Public Library at 5th & Grand, and hosted by Lisa Connors.
The first hour is spent learning about a topic related to poetry, and the second hour is spent sharing poems from the previous month’s challenge, or just a poem to share. Listeners are also welcome.
Go to https://mesacountylibraries.org/events/ for more information.

Clifton Book Club
Join the book club at Mesa County Clifton Branch Library to discuss The Day the World Came to Town by Jim DeFede with other people who have read the book.
Clifton Book Club meets monthly on the second Tuesday of the month.
This event is at the Clifton Branch of the Mesa County Public Library, 3270 D 1/2 Rd. Building A, Clifton, CO.

Literary Living Room Featuring Rosemerry Wahtola Trimmer & Emily Scott Robinson — The Sherbino
Part literary reading, part author Q&A, part open mic…Literary Living Room is the Sherbino’s dynamic year-round series featuring local and national literary artists of all persuasions. The mic opens for readings by others after the Q&A with the performers.
This December, The Sherbino is excited to bring you the duo talents of poet Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer and singer-songwriter Emily Scott Robinson, for a special Lit Living Room of words and songs celebrating the winter solstice: "Feasting in the Darkness: A soul-nourishing evening of poetry and song."
Go to https://sherbino.org for more information.
Click View Event below for more information.

Bardic Trails Online Poetry Series - Juan Morales
Join Bardic Trails on the first Tuesday of every month for an online gathering of words, wit, and wisdom! The brainchild of the Talking Gourds Poetry Club, each Bardic Trails poetry night features an award-winning guest poet sharing their new and exciting work. The featured poet for December is soon to be announced!
Click view event below for more information and complete flyer.

Western Colorado Writers' Forum Writer's Night - Annual Open Mic Event
The Western Colorado Writers’ Forum’s annual Open Mic Night is Tuesday, December 3 from 6-7:30 pm at the Art Center in Grand Junction.
Bring your short works and poetry and take the mic!
Last year we had several readers, so keeping a time limit did allow everyone to have a shot at the mic. We will have a timekeeper again this year, and due to community requests, we are upping the time limit to 6 minutes, so plan accordingly. Please do not read as fast as you can to fit those 6 minutes, but rather practice ahead of time and cut where needed. The audience would love to enjoy your work rather than try to keep up with auctioneer-level utterances!
A 30-line poem takes about 2 minutes to read, and a 700-word story takes about 5 minutes. If we can do more than one round, we will.
We would appreciate RSVPs at https://westerncoloradowriters.org/event/december-writers-night-open-mic/ for seat-planning purposes, and please note that readers will sign up on-site.
Event is at The Art Center, 1803 North 7th Street, Grand Junction, CO.

Poets & Writers at CMU
An evening of local writers sharing their work. November’s writers are: Heidi Blankenship (poetry), Rick Kemp (nonfiction), and Peter Anderson (poetry).
Third Thursday in October, November, February, March, and April
Free to the Public!

WCWF Happy Hour
Join fellow writers and WCWF board members on the third Thursday of every month from 4-6 p.m. It’s always fun getting to know fellow writers in a casual and relaxed atmosphere.
RSVP by email to wcwritersforum@gmail.com with the subject line RSVP for Happy Hour so they can be sure to have enough seating.
For more information, go to https://westerncoloradowriters.org/events/
Event is at Kannah Creek Brewing Company, 1960 N. 12th Street, Grand Junction, CO.
Stories & Poems Series
This free series happens on the third Wednesday of each month. With the new dual format, each featured guest will give a 1-20 min. presentation, followed by a short question and answer period after each presentation. After that, there’s a passing of the gourd, where community members are encouraged to share their own work, or others’ that they know and like.

Clifton Writers Group
Clifton Writers Group will provide learning opportunities to adults in the community who are interested in writing either fiction or nonfiction with the goal of becoming published. Once ready, they will also offer constructive critique sessions to help with writing growth.
For more info, go to https://mesacountylibraries.libcal.com/event/11765321
Clifton Writers Group meets monthly at the Clifton branch of the Mesa County Library, 3270 D 1/2 Rd., Clifton, CO 81520.

Sunday Afternoon Writers Club
Sunday Afternoon Writers Club
Network, ask questions, talk craft, and work on that current project.
Contact Justin Weaver with questions at rmfw.westslope@gmail.com

Poetry Night
Poetry Night is held at the main branch of the Mesa County Public Library at 5th & Grand, and hosted by Lisa Connors.
The first hour is spent learning about a topic related to poetry, and the second hour is spent sharing poems from the previous month’s challenge, or just a poem to share. Listeners are also welcome.
Go to https://mesacountylibraries.org/events/ for more information.

Clifton Book Club
Join the book club at Mesa County Clifton Branch Library to discuss Go As a River by Shelley Read with other people who have read the book.
Clifton Book Club meets monthly on the second Tuesday of the month.
This event is at the Clifton Branch of the Mesa County Public Library, 3270 D 1/2 Rd. Building A, Clifton, CO.

Sunday Afternoon Writers Club
Sunday Afternoon Writers Club
Network, ask questions, talk craft, and work on that current project.
Contact Justin Weaver with questions at rmfw.westslope@gmail.com

Literary Living Room Featuring: Jill Burkey — The Sherbino
Part literary reading, part author interview, part open mic…Literary Living Room is the Sherbino’s dynamic year-round series featuring local and national literary artists of all persuasions. The mic opens for readings by others after the Q&A with the author. This November, The Sherbino is excited to bring you poet Jill Burkey.
Click View Event below for more information.

Bardic Trails Online Poetry Series - Zoey McKenzie & Milton Bluehouse, Jr.
Join Bardic Trails on the first Tuesday of every month for an online gathering of words, wit, and wisdom! The brainchild of the Talking Gourds Poetry Club, each Bardic Trails poetry night features an award-winning guest poet sharing their new and exciting work. The featured poet for November is soon to be announced!
Click view event below for more information and complete flyer.

Sunday Afternoon Writers Club
Sunday Afternoon Writers Club
Network, ask questions, talk craft, and work on that current project.
Contact Justin Weaver with questions at rmfw.westslope@gmail.com

Sunday Afternoon Writers Club
Sunday Afternoon Writers Club
Network, ask questions, talk craft, and work on that current project.
Contact Justin Weaver with questions at rmfw.westslope@gmail.com
Open Reading!
Share your literary creations with Lithic Bookstore & Gallery! Bring something to share: poems, stories, tall tales, monologues, esoteric ramblings, inside jokes, etc. 3-5 minutes per person.
This free event is at Lithic Bookstore & Gallery, 138 S. Park Sq., Fruita, CO 81521, (970) 858-3636.

The Pen & the Glass Open Mic
Attend this collaboration between Western Colorado Writers’ Forum and Carboy Winery for a Spoken Word Open Mic!
Click view event for more information and complete flyer.

Creative Writing Open Mic Event
This is a special creative writing open mic event for attendees to share their favorite poems or stories on the history of Palisade.
Not interested in sharing? Join the audience and support those on stage!
Local poet and literary advocate, Trish Hopkinson, will lead this event!
Margaret Killjoy (author of The Sapling Cage)
ABOUT THE SAPLING CAGE —Lorel has always dreamed of becoming a witch: learning magic, fighting monsters, and exploring the world beyond the small town where she and her mother run the stables.
Even though a strange plague is killing the trees in the Kingdom of Cekon and witches are being blamed for it, Lorel wants nothing more than to join them. There's only one problem: all witches are women, and she was born a boy.

The Power of the Mic - A Spoken Word Open Mic
Share up to 5 minutes of poetry, slam poetry, comedy, storytelling, etc. All ages welcome, some material may be for mature audiences.
Sponsored by Boom Jewelry Designs, G-Youth, Sweet Moon Press, and Emily Bowman, LPC. To continue supporting and expanding the arts in Montrose, any and all donations are appreciated.
This event occurs on the 4th Tuesday of every month.

Sunday Afternoon Writers Club
Sunday Afternoon Writers Club
Network, ask questions, talk craft, and work on that current project.
Contact Justin Weaver with questions at rmfw.westslope@gmail.com
Stories & Poems
Stories & Poems follows a simple format. The morning begins with a performance of a featured storyteller or poet, followed by a question & answer session and then a passing of the gourd. At that point, everyone present will be invited to tell a personal story, perform a poem (an original or a favorite written by someone else), read a short section of prose or simply pass the gourd on to the next person.
Event is free! Bring a story or poem to share.